Romolo Calciati


Romolo Calciati was born in 1924 in Borgolavezzaro (Novara) and started painting in 1941. In 1952 he painted his first abstract works. Over the years, he presents numerous personal exhibitions in Italy (among which we remember: “Millain The Great, a work in progress”, Milan, 1998; “Works of the first millennium”, at the Roncalli Foundation of Vigevano, 2000; Pavia, 2000; “Milano-Millain” works 1962-2001, at the Stelline Foundation in Milan, 2002; “Speculum”, an anthological exhibition of drawings from the period 1974-2003, at the Banca Popolare di Novara, 2003), and since 1962 his works are also presented abroad 1962 (Paris, 1962; “Milano 3000”, New York, 1967; Istanbul, 1996; Cairo, 1997). Among his works we recall the cycles: “New territories” (acrylic on canvas, 1972-1976), “Labyrinthica” (acrylic on canvas, 1991-1997), “Zeitgeist” (acrylic on canvas, 1992-98), “2000 days until 2000 ”(1994-2000),“ Metrotoys ”(acrylic on canvas, 2001),“ Metrotracks ”(acrylic on paper, 2001),“ Lemmi metropolitani ”(acrylic on canvas, 2002). Published volumes: “Messages for Laura” (poetry, 1973), “The Memory Game” (1000 drawings – 1989-91), “New territories – works 1958-1975 by R. Calciati” (1994); “Artist Profession – a sociological survey on creation in painting” (written together with G. Marchetti 1997), “La Musa Trasdotta” (Romolo Calciati, 20 years of activity – 1997), “In particular” (1950-2000, 50 years of painting – 2001).

Così come esistono gli scrittori sempre attenti al mutare delle ore, allo stesso modo ci sono dei pittori che non perdono mai di vista l’incessante trasformazione dei colori e delle forme. Romolo Calciati appartiene a questa seconda categoria, anche se non tralascia le sottili insinuazioni della poesia.